Sunday, June 29, 2008

On Respect in Relationships, or, No Means No

Just the other day, I was thinking about the idea of the governmental "Social Contract" where the people willingly give up some rights so as to ensure that their other rights are safeguarded. From there, I moved on to forms of direct social interaction, where people give up certain actions in order to gain certain other actions. From there, it brought me to relationships.
Relationships, as the TV heads tell us, are supposed to be built upon trust and respect. So how come there are so many with very little of either? For example, it bugs me when I read that 41% of teen girls having sex say they have been pressured into it
Guys, why can't you all figure out that these girls have feelings too? These is a world outside your genitals. On a similar note, a tip of my hat to all of us who have already figured that out.
Sorry to any of my readers (do I even have any???) who haven't seen anything decent in over a month. Like I said when I posted my November prediction, my muse is missing, and I think I'm only just now finding it again (which is why this post came out so sucky). Hopefully soon I can return to regular postings, not to mention continue with Things I'll Never Understand.
P.S. If anyone is reading this, please comment. It doesn't have to be anything much, just so I know someone is actually reading this thing and I'm not typing to a brick wall.

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